OK, it's late and I must be an idiot because I am not figuring this out.
This is from an old project - where I used _global and frames.. hey it's
like three years ago. :)
relevant PHP called with LoadVars:
$defUser = "1";
And in Flash on frame A:
rv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean){
if (success) {
_global.userData.isDefault = this["def"];
trace("isDefault: "+this["def"]);
It traces "isDefault: 1" as I expect it should...
Next Frame - frame B I go:
trace("_global.userData.isDefault: "+_global.userData.isDefault);
if(_global.userData.isDefault == "1"){
trace("_global.userData.isDefault == 1: true");
trace("_global.userData.isDefault == 1: false");
It traces "_global.userData.isDefault: 1"
and: _global.userData.isDefault == 1: false
I cannot figure out why it isn't true. I have tried in my LoadVars doing:
_global.userData.isDefault = String(this["def"]); to make sure it's "1", and
I've tried testing for the number 1, but it's still false.
Service Capture shows the 1 being returned properly from PHP... maybe I
should not use "1"...
Dave -
Head Developer
Adobe Community Expert
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