Either way to me is a non-issue.

However, it is an issue if I want to implement lazy instantiation. That is, instantiating objects only right before you need them.
Thus, in your first example, the bulk of instantiation occurs up-front.

Lazy instantiation .... http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javatips/jw-javatip67.html


Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote:

just a semantic question really

when writing your classes, would you only declare variables in the class and assign variables later or would you assign values straight away if you had them?

so for instance, would you...:

package com.receptacle.timeline
    //package imports
    import flash.display.Sprite;
internal class Class extends Sprite
        // class variable declarations
        private var cp:CommonProperties = new CommonProperties();
        private var commonY:uint = cp. commonY;
        private var commonCopy:String = cp.commonCopy;
        private static var title:String = "Title";
        private static var subtitle:String = "Subtitle";
public function Class()

        private function myFunc1()
            trace ("function ran");
            trace ("commonY is "+commonY);
            trace ("commonCopy is "+commonCopy);
            trace ("title is "+title);
            trace ("subtitle is "+subtitle);

which works fine but is a little messy at the class level

or would you...:

package com.receptacle.timeline
    //package imports
    import flash.display.Sprite;
internal class Class extends Sprite
        // class variable declarations
        private var cp:CommonProperties;
        private var commonY:uint;
        private var commonCopy:String
        private static var title:String
        private static var subtitle:String ;
public function Class()

        private function setVars()
            cp =  new CommonProperties();
            commonY = cp. commonY;
            commonCopy = cp.commonCopy;
            title = "Title";
            subtitle = "Subtitle";

        private function myFunc1()
            trace ("function ran");
            trace ("commonY is "+commonY);
            trace ("commonCopy is "+commonCopy);
            trace ("title is "+title);
            trace ("subtitle is "+subtitle);

which seems cleaner but is more round the houses.

thanks in advance

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