scale9 can only be applied to shapes not to movieclips or sprites etc.. So
thats probably why it wont work with masks and why children of a scale9ed
movieclip will still distort..

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Matt S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Speaking of Scale 9, can the "Scaled" MC, eg the one thats actually
> sitting IN the scaling movie, under the guides, have MC's within it?
> I've tried to use S9 as a way to control the positioning of nav items,
> eg, a movieclip, which itself contains multiple MCs, each of which
> sits in the "safe" zones at the corners. But when I do this, the whole
> thing still distorts, mcs at corners included. Am I using S9 for
> something it werent intended fer? :)
> thx,
> .m
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