I was hoping someone could explain why I get "Warning: 3596: Duplicate
variable definition." warnings when I reuse an iterator variable.

for (var i:int = 0; i < someArray.length; i ++) {
      // do something cool

for (var i:int = 0; i < someOtherArray.length; i ++) {
      // do something even cooler

I had always thought that the scope of variables declared in the
initialization part of the for loop were local to the loop block, not the
block containing the loop. So I guess that is not true... does this mean the
second time I use the loop I have to omit the declaration? Or is there a
keyword I can use to keep the instantiation local to the for block? Seems
like it would be clunky if I was cutting and pasting blocks of code in
different orders, I'd have to keep track of who was the first for loop of
any code block (an admittedly minor annoyance, since I don't have stacks and
stacks of loops, but still...)

Thanks in advance,

-jonathan howe :: 404.434.2321 :: 180 High St Apt 26 Portland, ME 04101
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