Beginners should not be coding AS3. It's really that simple. AS3 requires a whole new level of strict coding practices and is not for beginners. Null pointer exceptions are extremely important to catch because they can cause a Flash app to crash, and the foresight to know where and how those will trip you up requires a lot of coding experience. I've been programming over 13 years and I still get caught by the occasional null pointer.

You have to cast everything in AS3 anyway, and understanding why you have to cast requires understanding of OOP and strict coding practices. AS3 is very strict. It's not for everyone, in fact, it's not for most people. There's a reason that AS2 won't be going anywhere for awhile, and it's because it's forgiving and fails gracefully and both non-programmers and lazy programmers appreciate that. I know I miss it sometimes. Writing try catches with nothing in the catch in order to fail gracefully is hacky, but when I've got a deadline looming, I'm glad it's there because there's no way I'm going back to AS2 again. ;)
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