On Mar 26, 2008, at 8:34 PM, artur wrote:

the CMS webservice i want to build will be done in FLEX / AMF / MySQL.

and i want to make sure that it can scale and be redundant.

Ok.... but that doesn't have anything to do with Flex. Flex is just a different application to build an SWF file. It is only the front-end solution.

Flex SWF == Flash SWF, plus a whole bunch of code for handling the UI. The Flex SDK is like using a framework (vegas, arp, etc.) for Flash, but on crack.

If you're talking about your server solution scaling and being redundant, you need to be way more concerned with other things. You'll most likely need some type of J2EE server.

Your best bet is to find a content management system that utilizes JSR-170 (Java Content Repository) and can use MySQL or PostgresSQL (or even oracle) for serious scalability and capability to handle clustering, etc.

Check Alfresco.com as a nice, forward looking solution for that (it's open source and free, if you don't need support). You'll still need to write the API on the server with Java to allow the AMF library (GraniteDS or BlazeDS) to speak with the CMS services.Drupal or DSpace might be additional options but I don't know how they scalability and redundancy.

There is also an open source project that wasn't started too long ago: Igenko The goal of this project is to act as a JSR-170 (with Apache Jackrabbit) with data services (GraniteDS at the moment). the link is: code.google.com/p/igenko

Either way, your issue is server-side, not Flex/Flash.

- jon

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