Hi i have another problem this time its to do with masking an object, here is 
the code that creates a movieclip then loads an image into to...

        bannerArea = newMovieClip(0xffffff, 0, 0, 420, 173);

        banner.loadImage("banners/" + xmlClass.xmlData.BannerRef + ".jpg", 0,0, 
bannerArea, 420, 173);

Then an item is called from the library and applyed as a mask...
        var maskClip = loadLibrary("maskMC" + xmlClass.xmlData.Mask.toString());

        bannerArea.mask = maskClip;
This is the function that calls the item from the library (this isnt currently 
working correctly but we have found a quick fix till we have worked out the 
masking problem)...

        private function loadLibrary(item)
           var maskClip = new item();
           return maskClip;

Quick fix for code...
        private function loadLibrary(item)
           var maskClip = new maskMC1();
           return maskClip;

The problem areas is not loading items from teh library but its when it applys 
the mask i.e. bannerArea.mask = maskClip;

Any one have any ideas?


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