On Apr 11, 2008, at 4:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And if it is a small to medium size app you may want to try EasyMVC from
Tom Bray
(http://www.tombray.com/2007/10/16/my-easymvc-seminar-wasnt- recorded/). His
presentation on 3/28/08 was recorded as an Adobe ondemand seminar and
describes how to use EasyMVC and also compares it to Cairngorm. There is
also easyMVC from Simeon Bateman but I haven't looked at that one.

To add my 2 cents ... by the time a developer has gone through Easy MVC (Clockwork Objects) or something similar, they are already 50% of the way through knowing how Cairngorm works.

It really isn't much of a leap. Cairngorm adds in the ServiceLocator and the events, commands, delegate chain.

That said, Cairngorm does lack some things for enterprise development and large applications/teams that are pretty needed. Some of these things I've recently run into (better command chaining architecture) and am looking into various solutions for (UM Cairngorm extensions is one).

just a thought.

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