I think someone with more experience in licenses and copyrights should reply to that...

I don't think there shouldn't be any difference between embedding in the IDE and through ActionScript. I guess the resulting binary file is quite similar, and lets you do the same things with fonts.

I didn't know about the difference between static and dynamic fields though. Interesting...


Fredrik Jönsson wrote:
this method was all new to me.

How is embedding fonts like this viewed in terms of the type foundries' EULA?

Does 'static embedding' and 'dynamic embedding' differ in terms of how the outlines are embedded? I have read that some type foundries make a difference between using their fonts in static text fields or dynamic text fields.


On 6 May 2008, at 18:04, Abe Pazos wrote:

Hi, I embed the font using a file like this:


package com.ourdomain.ui.fonts {
   import mx.core.FontAsset;
[Embed(source="Tahoma.ttf", fontFamily="TahomaFont", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype", unicodeRange="U+0020-U+007E,U+00A1-U+017E")]
   public class Tahoma extends FontAsset { }

See the unicodeRange part (this works for countries like Poland).

In some other file:


Then I use a font called "TahomaFont".

On the IDE even including the whole font did not seem to work for me,
but when I specified characters like above it worked.

Fredrik Jönsson wrote:
I have run into problems with a flash project that needs to cover most european languages including Romanian, Slovenian, Slovakian etc.

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