I remember the component named Deng, which is able to render a subset of
HTML. It can be found here:


HTML within Flash is one of the toughest things to do as the support for
HTML within Flash is very limited.

Greetz Erik

On 5/6/08, Neil Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using textareas and textfields to display HTML with text, images and
> CSS and running into problems trying to stop text wrapping around the side
> of images (AS2, Flash8).
> Even if the image is as wide as the textarea, any text following the image
> will appear letter by letter vertically down the side of the image until it
> gets to a clear line under the image whereupon it begins to display
> correctly again.
> I've cludged it to stop happening by adding multiple <p><br /></p> after
> each image depending on the height of each image (lineheight of the text I'm
> using is 18 pixels, so divide the image height by 18 and add that many
> paragraph/break tag combinations as above).
> It's a rather messy cludge and requires a stack of extra PHP on the server
> side to parse the HTML and add the extra tags after each image - has anyone
> seen or know about a better way to do this - I'm imagining some one may have
> been able to extend the textarea or textfield class or possibly created a
> more reliable component to display HTML text and images (with vertical
> scrollbar if needed)
> many thanks
> Neil
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