Maybe this will work?

Make two copies of the original MovieClip (if you're loading an image, load it once into the first clip, then when it's done loading, load it into the two others) for a total of three.

Mask the left and right pieces to the width you want to show. Mask the middle piece so those edges aren't showing.

Determine the math that you would have to stretch each one of the slices so that that portion would be stretched 15% (it will be more than 15% because you would have to take into account the width of the entire clip) and set their scalex to that value.

Position their x so they're lined up correctly.


eric e. dolecki wrote:
I am looking to take a DO (movieclip), and stretch just the side edges,
leaving the middle unstretched... so take an image, cut in 4 vertical
pieces, and stretch the outside pieces out horizontally by like 15%.

I could use DisplayObjects above the main one and just stretch those
horizontally, but I really want to keep this contained to manipulations on
the main object itself and not worry about creating and destroying others.

Any ideas?
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