>But in the end, how do you know that under the
>hood, the flash player is not doing exactly the same operation for an int
>cast, a Math.floor call and a shift zero ?

Well, the thing here is that Math.floor is a function call. Function calls
are by default more complex than using operators. This would explain why
Math.floor is heavier than any other way of doing it.

Greetz Erik

On 5/25/08, Juan Pablo Califano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I use modulo for rowing too and int() instead of Math.floor() as it's
> > faster. ;)
> Laurent,
> is it, really?
> I'm not sure. I recently made similar assumptions about what's faster an
> what's slower based on what "made sense", only to be proved wrong by some
> actual benchmarking.
> Anyway, if the variable is typed as an int, my understanding is that you
> don't need to use Math.floor or a cast to int, since the decimal part will
> be truncated automatically.
> Another option to discard decimals is to use bit shifting ( i >> 0), which
> some people say it's faster. But in the end, how do you know that under the
> hood, the flash player is not doing exactly the same operation for an int
> cast, a Math.floor call and a shift zero ?
> Cheers
> Juan Pablo Califano
> 2008/5/25, laurent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Thanks Jesse for the neat explanation, it all make sense, that's a clever
> > trick to get a smooth movement of this type where tweening is not a
> > solution.
> > That can be applied to other things just to get the right value to
> change.
> > Very good to know that enter Frame and Timer are approximations.
> > I use modulo for rowing too and int() instead of Math.floor() as it's
> > faster. ;)
> >
> > L
> >
> > Jesse Graupmann a écrit :
> >
> >> @Laurent
> >>
> >> So modulus is great and slow from what I've read. I tend to use it in
> row/
> >> column calculation rather than wrapping a MovieClip position.
> >>
> >> var num:int = 6;
> >> var cols:int = 3;
> >>
> >> for ( var i:int = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
> >>        var row:int = Math.floor( i / cols );
> >>        var col:int = i % cols;
> >>
> >>        trace ( "i: " + i + "\trow:" + row + "\tcol:" + col );
> >> }
> >>
> >> i: 0    row:0   col:0
> >> i: 1    row:0   col:1
> >> i: 2    row:0   col:2
> >> i: 3    row:1   col:0
> >> i: 4    row:1   col:1
> >> i: 5    row:1   col:2
> >>
> >>
> >> In the previous post I'm moving a MovieClip to the right X.X pixels and
> >> when
> >> its position is off the screen I reset it back to 0. If I used the
> modulus
> >> method, the movement would always be rounded numbers and appear jerkier
> >> than
> >> this experiment requires. I'm actually hoping to round to the nearest
> >> twip.
> >>
> >>
> >> As for the examples themselves....
> >>
> >>
> >> #1
> >> onT is a timer tick. So about every 30ms it will move the MovieClip X
> >> pixels
> >> based on speed. Because Timers are never accurate to what you expect (
> >> they
> >> only get as close as they can - see below ) onT will always be dragging
> >> behind the other two methods and moving at varied speeds.
> >>
> >> //      Elapsed time from a tick on var t:Timer = new Timer(30);
> >>
> >>
> >>
> 47,38,36,36,36,36,36,38,36,35,35,36,36,34,36,42,36,35,35,36,35,37,40,36,36,3
> >>
> >>
> 6,36,36,54,36,37,35,34,36,38,38,36,36,36,36,69,39,35,36,35,36,36,42,44,36,36
> >>
> >>
> ,35,36,35,63,37,33,36,35,37,40,30,35,34,36,92,55,66,35,36,34,36,46,36,36,36,
> >>
> >>
> 36,97,50,34,35,35,36,36,34,33,218,142,49,121,59,110,84,102,65,106,66,58,55,6
> >>
> >>
> 5,34,36,35,36,64,33,35,36,35,37,31,48,34,36,35,35,36,77,34,34,36,36,36,70,36
> >>
> >>
> ,35,37,35,37,74,54,35,36,71,65,35,36,36,35,35,73,37,36,36,34,43,66,35,38,36,
> >>
> >>
> 35,34,73,36,34,50,59,67,37,36,36,36,56,47,37,36,36,34,36,30,46,35,36,36,36,5
> >>
> >>
> 9,46,35,36,36,36,59,45,35,36,36,34,36,32,48,37,37,35,38,56,48,34,36,36,36,58
> >>
> >>
> ,47,34,37,36,36,57,72,45,36,50,55,45,35,35,35,36,61,45,36,35,35,36,66,45,131
> >> ,39,45,33,37,34,37,34,45,51,36,51,49,38,67,35,36,36,34,43,47,38,50,35,34
> >>
> >> //      Difference from expected 30ms
> >>
> >>
> >>
> 17,8,6,6,6,6,6,8,6,5,5,6,6,4,6,12,6,5,5,6,5,7,10,6,6,6,6,6,24,6,7,5,4,6,8,8,
> >>
> >>
> 6,6,6,6,39,9,5,6,5,6,6,12,14,6,6,5,6,5,33,7,3,6,5,7,10,0,5,4,6,62,25,36,5,6,
> >>
> >>
> 4,6,16,6,6,6,6,67,20,4,5,5,6,6,4,3,188,112,19,91,29,80,54,72,35,76,36,28,25,
> >>
> >>
> 35,4,6,5,6,34,3,5,6,5,7,1,18,4,6,5,5,6,47,4,4,6,6,6,40,6,5,7,5,7,44,24,5,6,4
> >>
> >>
> 1,35,5,6,6,5,5,43,7,6,6,4,13,36,5,8,6,5,4,43,6,4,20,29,37,7,6,6,6,26,17,7,6,
> >>
> >>
> 6,4,6,0,16,5,6,6,6,29,16,5,6,6,6,29,15,5,6,6,4,6,2,18,7,7,5,8,26,18,4,6,6,6,
> >>
> >>
> 28,17,4,7,6,6,27,42,15,6,20,25,15,5,5,5,6,31,15,6,5,5,6,36,15,101,9,15,3,7,4
> >> ,7,4,15,21,6,21,19,8,37,5,6,6,4,13,17,8,20,5,4
> >>
> >>
> >> #2
> >> onT2 - To compensate for the difference, I decide that for every 30ms
> that
> >> have passed the MovieClip should increment the correct amount ( 1 pixel
> ).
> >> When the tick occurs, I subtract the stored time (lastTick2) from the
> >> current time giving me the most accurate elapsed time. Dividing by the
> >> tick
> >> time gives me a percentage of my expected elapsed time. Multiplying that
> >> value by the speed produces the most accurate change over time.
> >>
> >> #3
> >> onT3 - Because I can assume speed based on elapsed time is the most
> >> accurate, it won't matter when I call the function as long as it happens
> >> once per frame. So onT3 just uses the ENTER_FRAME event to calculate
> speed
> >> based on elapsed time using lastTick3.
> >>
> >> Here is another example that is commented a bit better and should make
> all
> >> this very apparent.
> >>
> >> stage.align = "TL";
> >> stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
> >> stage.addEventListener ( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame );
> >>
> >> //      for every (stepTime)ms move (stepRate)pixels
> >> var stepTime:int = 30; var stepRate:int = 1;
> >> var time:int = getTimer();
> >>
> >> function onFrame ( e:Event ):void {
> >>        //      time since last frame
> >>        var elapsedTime:int = getTimer() - time;
> >>
> >>        //      store current time for the next check
> >>        time = getTimer();
> >>
> >>        //      percentage of expected time
> >>        var timePercentage:Number = elapsedTime / stepTime;
> >>
> >>        //      rate compensation
> >>        var movement:Number = timePercentage * stepRate;
> >>
> >>        //      move mc
> >>        mc.x += movement;
> >>
> >>        //      wrap if off the stage
> >>        if ( mc.x > stage.stageWidth ) mc.x = 0;
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> Hasta!
> >> Jesse
> >>
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of laurent
> >> Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 2:13 AM
> >> To: Flash Coders List
> >> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening text more smoothly - AS3
> >>
> >>
> >> :) I just read about wraping using modulus on Grant Skinner's blog:
> >>
> >> sprite.x = (sprite.x + 5) % stage.stageWidth;
> >>
> >> And then get where was that checkWrap methods :]
> >> Still I'm interested in the onT methods...I don't think I will get them
> >> before Grant's next post.
> >>
> >> the article about using modulus:
> >> http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2008/05/core_as3_modulu.html
> >>
> >>  L
> >>
> >> Jesse Graupmann a écrit :
> >>
> >>
> >>> Maybe converting the actual time elapsed to a constant rate of motion
> >>>
> >>>
> >> could
> >>
> >>
> >>> help... who knows?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> stage.align = "TL";
> >>> stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
> >>>
> >>> function checkWrap ( o:DisplayObject ):void
> >>> {
> >>>        if ( o.x > stage.stageWidth ) o.x = 0;
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> var speed:Number = 1;
> >>> var tick:Number = 30;
> >>> var lastTick2:Number = getTimer();
> >>> var lastTick3:Number = getTimer();
> >>> var t:Timer = new Timer(tick);
> >>> var t2:Timer = new Timer(tick);
> >>>
> >>> t.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onT );
> >>> t2.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onT2 );
> >>> stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onT3 );
> >>> t.start();
> >>> t2.start();
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> function onT( e:TimerEvent ):void
> >>> {
> >>>        //      timer
> >>>        mc.x += speed;
> >>>        checkWrap ( mc );
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> function onT2( e:TimerEvent ):void
> >>> {
> >>>        //      timer + speed
> >>>        mc2.x += (( getTimer() - lastTick2 ) / tick ) * speed;
> >>>        lastTick2 = getTimer();
> >>>        checkWrap ( mc2 );
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> function onT3( e:Event ):void
> >>> {
> >>>        //      enter frame + speed
> >>>        mc3.x += (( getTimer() - lastTick3 ) / tick ) * speed;
> >>>        lastTick3 = getTimer();
> >>>        checkWrap ( mc3 );
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
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> >> Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
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> > Flashcoders mailing list
> > Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
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