
My first post.  

I'm a newbie at Flash but was a game programmer (C/C++) for a long time.  I'm 
finding Flash to be highly quirky and very interesting.

I have a question about images imported from Illustrator CS3 with masks.

These images have artifacts outside of their visible area.
For example, it can have a picture of a dog's face, but one of the
long ears is off to the side, outside the visible region of the piece.  We 
cannot crop the piece for our own reasons, but the mask makes it such that the 
ear sticking out is invisible in
Flash, when we turn it into  a movie clip.  Also, the Info panel in the Flash 
IDE correctly shows the width and height of the visible area ONLY.

However, in ActionScript when I try to get the width and height using the 
DisplayObject width and height properties it returns the dimensions of the 
entire image including the hidden portions.

You can see them here:

Visible area only

Entire image with visible area masked in red

I want to be able to get the width and height of the visible area in 
ActionScript.  Is this possible?  The fact that the Player "knows" there is a 
mask and correctly hides the outer parts indicates that it should have that 
information somewhere.

By the way, all mention of dimensions I've made here pertains to bounding boxes.

Arka Roy


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