Even if you could (which I don't think you can), you absolutely should not for the same reason you should never overwrite Object.prototype or MovieClip.prototype. You're changing the way Flash works at a low-level and you will produce unexpected behavior for everyone other than yourself.

This is an issue I feel very strongly about. When developers mess with the basic way that things work in Flash, they're screwing over any developer who has the misfortune to inherit their code. There's a "developer" I know (who shall remain nameless) who built a framework based entirely on overwriting Object.prototype and MovieClip.prototype so you couldn't even put a jpg on the stage, turn it into a MovieClip and say mc.onRelease = function() { trace("hello"); }; It just wouldn't work. He also made it so useHandCursor = true never worked ever because he thinks buttons shouldn't use them. Seriously. This guy shouldn't be writing code period, but nevertheless he's a "senior developer" at a major entertainment company in Los Angeles and I know some of the poor souls who have to inherit his stuff. /rant

So, yes, you should do your own custom logger. There are many great ones out there. Thunderbird for AS3 comes to mind as a particular favorite. :)
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