Thanks Christoffer I'll check it out.
On 24 Jul 2008, at 14:03, Christoffer Enedahl wrote:

You need to have a flv streaming service running on a server. Ie Flash
Media Server. This is an open source alternative: I have not tried it.


Ali Drongo skrev:
Cheers Paul. that's a help. I've just realised that youtube's video
player will buffer your video midway thru a movie,
Does anyone know how they do this?

Thanks :)


On 24 Jul 2008, at 11:47, Paul Jinks wrote:

hi Ali

I'm working on a similar project, also using progressive download. What
I'm doing is using a combination of 2 approaches:
1. Divide the flv into smaller sections - we've gone for 5-8 mins, which is still fairly big I think (otherwise your users are using bandwidth
they probably don't need) and
2. Within each clip have section chapter links that load in as they
available. You'll need to use cue points for this. I still haven't
out the finer points of this approach, mostly because I'm using the
chapter links as 'summary' markers also.



On Thu, July 24, 2008 11:03 am, Ali Drongo wrote:
Hi there, I have to build a video player that plays a video with a
number of chapters that the user can skip between. The chapters need
to play sequentially also and also.

Is there a way  can get an flv to buffer from a new chosen point of
playback? (i.e. if the user skips to chapter 6 before the whole thing
is loaded)

If not I guess my best plan is to slice up my long flv into lots of
little ones and make a custom seekbar that shows the chapters and
allows the user to skip from chapter to chapter.

What do yous think?


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