Also you may find this interesting: in-papervision3d/


On 30 Jul 2008, at 00:22, Patrick J. Jankun wrote:

Hi Glen,

I went through my links, and found those:

maybe this is gonna help you out,


On Jul 30, 2008, at 12:19 AM, Glen Pike wrote:


I am working with the Five3D library and have a question regarding cameras so if anyone is familiar with this or really good at explaining 3D math to 5 year old kids (I am feeling a bit dumb here).

The Five3D library itself does not have a camera, but projects its objects straight into the scene. I would like to create a way of orbiting a single cube object, like with a camera, rather than rotating the object itself. My aim is to achieve the type of manipulation used with the globe here - - where the globe rotation does not end up looking "wrong" from a user perspective when you are looking along the Y axis or "flip" when the cube is upside down - here is an early trial of mine showing the problems -

I have not discounted using Papervision as it has cameras to do this, but the text rendering of Five3D is cleaner than bitmapped PV3D text and this is what I am looking for, so I would like to try and get the Five3D working if possible before I discount it.

As the world only consists of one object, I am guessing it would be fairly trivial to create a "fake" camera with a single matrix, apply rotations to that matrix, then concatenate this matrix with the cube objects. I tried a couple of things, but am flailing a bit in the dark here and could do with some pointers if anyone has any ideas.

My first try was to apply X & Y rotations to a Matrix class - in Five3D - then do Matrix to Euler to get the X, Y & Z rotations to apply to my 3D object (meaning I did not have to hack the library yet). I reckon I am going to have to dig deeper and manipulate the private matrix used by each 3D object in the library.

I am assuming - maybe wrongly - that because I am wanting to orbit around the origin, which is also the centre of the cube, I can pretend my camera is also in the centre of the world, rather than transformed a distance from the cube. This would mean I just have to rotate the x & y axes of my camera to get "pitch" & "roll", then apply this to my cube matrix. Question is, do I have to include the "distance" of the camera from my object in the calculations and do I have to have a "look at" point too, or can I cheat as these are always fixed?

Apart from looking at PV3D's camera's and some hardcore Wikipedia entries, I don't have much to go on, so any information to get my head around this would be helpful - particularly some real dumbed down tutorials on Matrices, possibly Quaternions. (I fell asleep in my lessons on the former and never covered the latter...)

  Thanks in advance.


Glen Pike
01326 218440 <>

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