Thanks Paul / Steven.

When referring to as3 destuctors, I just meant a destory or clear method you
can call before removing references to an object.

Good to hear you can force the GC in flash player 10 / AIR. I'll take a look
for future reference.

I ask this questions because I'm building a purely flash app in Flex 3.
While using the profiler, and interacting with my app for a few moments,
there are over 300 instances of an object in memory (it's just a basic shape
object). There should only be 2 dozen or so of these at any one moment, so
will adjust the classes (parent objects) using these shapes to dispose of
them. The parent objects are dealt with, but their shapes stay in memory?
there are no other references to these shapes anywhere, and I can't get the
GC to run while profiling my app so I can see the memory clear a little.

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