i've tried amending the combo box to instantiate it on the fly and that
doesn't seem to work either

// first attempt using the component as an mc
        //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
        //var c:MovieClip = mc_university.attachMovie("ComboBox",
"cb_listOfUniversities", mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
_y:133.6, _width:245});

// second attempt using createClassObject

import mx.controls.ComboBox;

        var c:ComboBox = mc_university.createClassObject(ComboBox,
"cb_listOfUniversities", mc_university.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:74,
_y:133.6, _width:245});
        c.setStyle("fontFamily", "Lloyds TSB VAG Rounded Light");
        c.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
        c.addEventListener("change", cBox);
        c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
        c.text = "Select";

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) <

> nope
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Hans Wichman <
>> Hi,
>> you're not using runtime file sharing right?
>> greetz
>> JC
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:48 AM, allandt bik-elliott
>> (thefieldcomic.com) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > sorry to necro an old thread but i still have a problem
>> >
>> > file structure:
>> > one index swf that preloads the main swf
>> > main swf that loads in several different section swfs and masks them in
>> a
>> > frame
>> > the combobox is in one of the masked sections
>> >
>> > the issue is this:
>> > i have a combo box that uses an array populated by a loaded xml file as
>> a
>> > dataprovider. It all works just fine apart from that when the combo box
>> is
>> > first opened, the first 'page' of entries doesn't render. If the list is
>> > scrolled or an entry is selected (it's fully populated), the entire list
>> > renders properly, including the entry that's selected.
>> >
>> > This happens when the site is viewed on a server and when the file is
>> 'test
>> > movie'd on it's own but it doesn't happen when the index swf is 'test
>> > movie'd or when the site is viewed locally in a browser
>> >
>> > The cb uses fonts used throughout the site and they are embedded (i've
>> added
>> > the code for the cb below). It's been suggested that maybe the cb is
>> loaded
>> > before the fonts so that it doesn't get a chance to render properly but
>> i
>> > can't see how that is happeneing  - i've tried added a textfield with
>> the
>> > fonts embedded make sure that that wasn't it (although i haven't added
>> the
>> > fonts to a frame loaded before the cb - i'm trying that now)
>> >
>> > the cb is placed manually onstage and has the following code added on
>> the
>> > timeline:
>> >
>> >    function init():Void {
>> >        xml.ignoreWhite = true;
>> >        xmlFile = (xmldata != undefined) ? xmldata : PATH();
>> >        xml.load(xmlFile);
>> >        xml.onData = function (src:String) {
>> >            if (src == undefined) {
>> >                this.onLoad(false);
>> >            } else {
>> >                this.parseXML(src);
>> >                this.loaded = true;
>> >                this.onLoad(true);
>> >                parse(); // creates the arrays
>> >            }
>> >        }
>> >
>> >        var cBox:Object = {};
>> >        cBox.change = function(o:Object):Void
>> >        {
>> >            //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
>> >            //o.target.onKillFocus=undefined; // didn't work
>> >            getGeoEvents(
>> >
>> arrayOfUniversitiesNames[mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities.selectedIndex]
>> > ); // sends user to correct tab
>> >            lock();
>> >        }
>> >
>> >  // this is the script for the cb
>> >        var c:MovieClip = mc_university.cb_listOfUniversities;
>> >        c.setStyle("fontFamily", "VAG Rounded Light");
>> >        c.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
>> >        c.addEventListener("change", cBox);
>> >        c.dataProvider = arrayOfUniversitiesNames;
>> >        c.text = "Select";
>> >        //Selection.setFocus(c); // didn't work
>> >        changeTab(bt_tab);
>> >    }
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