Hi Andrew,
   As far as I remember, the YouTube .swf is a shell around an .flv.

   So the dimensions of the shell .swf may bear absolutely no
resemblance at all to the size of the contained video; and off-hand, I
can't think of a way to get at the contained video size. But aren't
they all consistent in YouTube - I mean - does it ever vary?

  In other words, I think your loaderInfo.width and loaderInfo.height
are correct _for the Youtube shell .swf_ - but it, in turn, contains
an FLV, and you have no way to get at that scaling.

  I'm just guessing here. :-) But AFAIK, loaderInfo.width and .height
are correctly returning the width and height encoded into the SWF
header. They do give you the stage size.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Some of what I'm seeing is that quite a few of the swfs that I happen to be
> loading contain their own internal scaling functions.  Most typically I'm
> seeing are swfs that automatically scale to stage.stageWidth and
> stage.stageHeight.  This is for the most part easy to detect, but there are
> some timing issues -- the scaling doesn't happen right away.
> A different issue that I'm seeing is with the videos on YouTube.  The
> expectation is that end users will want to appropriate YouTube videos in
> their own content.  Here are two randomly selected addresses parsed out of
> the embed tags:
>           url = 'http://www.youtube.com/v/PbeMwl_PA6A&hl=en&fs=1'
>           url = 'http://www.youtube.com/v/Jag7oTemldY&hl=en&fs=1'
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