
Ian Thomas wrote:
No, unfortunately not.

The simplest fix to your situation is to split it a little; instead of this:

Container (with onRollover)
+-- Button (with onRollover)

Have this:

Container (no onRollover)
+-- Background (with onRollover)
+-- Button (with onRollover)

See? So Background and Button are both children of Container;
onRollover is set on Background and on Button.

But bear in mind that when you go from Background to Button, onRollOut
will be fired on Background. You might have to code around that.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Working on an old project in AS2.

I have what is essentially a button inside of a button.  I'm using
movieClips, actually.  The coding is very primitive.

Anyway, the parent movieClip has handlers for onPress, onRelease,
onRollover, etc.  These are assigned at runtime.

I'm trying to add the inner button inside of that same movieClip using
the same technique.  From what I can tell, none of the events reach the
child clips if the same event handlers are defined in the parent.

Is there a way to let the event propagate to the inner items?


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