Hi all,

I'm building an app where the user can drag images from a library and drop it onto a stage. I need to move the sprite out of its original parent container and onto the stage so it can float around. The AS3 docs state:

If you add a child object that already has a different display object container as a parent, the object is removed from the child list of the other display object container.

So, when the user mouse-downs on the library object, I do a simple stage.addChild(this); and then e.updateAfterEvent();. But, it doesn't always update property. If I start dragging the first instance of a library object, everything works fine, but anytime I start dragging anything after it, the original instance isn't deleted from the library container until I start dragging another one.

Has anyone encountered anything like this or have any insight into why it's acting funky? I've tried stripping things down to a minimum yet it still behaves this way. Is there another way to force a redraw of a displaycontainer?


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