Hi Joel

XML is too much overhead.

BlaseDS is java only.

For the shared server, the best solutions are AMF and SWX.

AMF has PHP, ASP .NET and JAVA implementations, and maybe others.
I take it for the current "opensource standart", but i use SWX because i like it better.
AMFPHP currently offers both AS2 and AS3 api.
It uses AMF for client-server and server-client comunication .

SWX has PHP, ASP .NET and RUBY implementations.
I don't know about the current ASP and RUBY versions.
SWXPHP currently offers AS2 api only, but this is going to change soon.
It uses JSON for client-server and generates SWFs for server-client comunication.
SWX primes for simplicity.
It's main difference when compared to AMF, is that there is no deserialization of the response. No matter how much data you send, when the client loads the file, the data is ready for use. Example, my CMS creates a single file with all dynamic text content on the website, small and compressed. This file is loaded only once when you enter the website and that makes everything simpler for coding, because all data is already there. Of course, someone could cache an AMF response at server side to attain the same result without overloading the server. But as soon as the response reached the client, it probably whould freeze for a moment just to deserialize all that data. We are working on a new release that will include an AS3 api, and a AVM2 PHP Assembler written from scratch. Right now the only opensource project i know that is able to create AVM2 SWFs is HAXE.

Fabrício Seger Kolling - Dulldusk

Joel Stransky wrote:
Hello devs,
I'm brand new to the list but have read plenty of entries over the years.

I've been reading up on various solutions to RPC namely dealing with AMF and
I'm kinda lost on what the current standard solutions might be.
There's quite a bit of history between amfphp and swx, both of which have
there importance blurred by adobe's release of blazeds.

So my question is, what is the current preferred solution?
I'd be interested to hear from seasoned devs as far as what you're using,
your reasons (security, ease of use, supported platforms etc) for using it
and basic descriptions of your implamentations ie JSON, XML what have you.

Thanks for your time,
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