Hmm.... I haven't had the time to check this one.

But, content in the src folder doesn't need to be 'added' as an individual source path to your application. So, for other application files (AS) you may want to add explicitly the source path of it's parent folder to the project properties (ie, src/com/yourcompany/ applicationname/). Then, you might be able to add that file as a separate application.

Otherwise, I'm not 100% certain.

- jon

On Nov 4, 2008, at 7:13 AM, Henry Cooke wrote:

Something that's been bugging me for a while: why can only AS files in
the root of a Flex Builder project's source folder be nominated as an

Like, I've got a bunch of classes all neatly packaged up in packages
inside /src, but in the Project / Properties / Actionscript Properties
dialog, upon clicking "Add", these files do not appear in the tree
view of possible files to add.

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