Has anyone here developed a gaming engine before?... I have a detailed understanding of AI; however, I must admit that my 3D Math skills are still being developed. I understand the concepts of transformations, views, parent child relationships, and particle math is really simple physics; yet, I want to get hardcore on game programming.

What are the best books that deal specifically with 3D, math/programming, and assume no prior knowledge.

I want a book that is highly detailed; for, if it exists, if I am missing something in my foundation, I want the name of a book that will allow me to back track and look up how to do something foundational whilst providing me with all the advanced info I can handle once I am ready.

Any suggestions? I need something with a lot of math questions to solve and examples. If I need more than one, than so be it; yet, ideally, I want a holy grail of 3D math and programming.
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