Sounds like a bad design decision to make titles of the same category
various sizes. But I think you can just set the .width property, then set
the .scaleY equal to the .scaleX or visa versa depending on which dimension
is more important.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Latcho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I need to place project-titles in a multiline textfield, wherof the width
> will be fixed, but sometimes this box might be of less height because of
> more space used by other displaying project elements.
> Is there a class that can dynamically regulate the font it's size to fit
> the loaded text to a certian textfield height of a multile textfield?
> The project titles are variable in character word length. How is this
> solvable.
> Thanks !
> Stijn
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