   May be worth posting to the Papervision mailing list.

I haven't looked at your issues in depth - but it may simply be that
you're asking Flash to do too much. 2000 may be a recommendation for
the number of planes, but your actual performance will vary depending
on how many other animations and things you are asking the Flash
Player to cope with, whether your MovieMaterials are animated, how
much of the screen is being redrawn on each frame...

But I'm no expert on PV3D - post to their list and you should get more
helpful answers.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Eleanor Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Background Info:
> Ok so I have a project that uses papervision3D. I'm new to papervsion so 
> please bear with me: I have a background movie which is animated and laid 
> over the top is are my 3D objects - there are 26 single sided planes and 26 
> double sided planes that all use MovieMaterials. These are either animated on 
> a click from a start position or already set to a final position. The 
> animation of these planes is on the Z-axis. They are designed to be doors 
> that open if that helps you grasp what I am doing. Ok so on the click, the 
> background is snapshot and added to the clip that is used as the movie 
> material to capture the current state of the background animation. WIth me so 
> far - I hope you are.
> Problem:
> So when I run this everything does what it's supposed to - so what prey tell 
> me you say is the problem. Well although everything runs as it should it runs 
> incredibly slowly and seems to eat up CPU processing power. So my background 
> animation (which are just traditional tweens) no longer look smooth as they 
> are running slower than intended. It seems to be from experimentation that 
> the more planes I put on screen the slower it gets, I know that this is true 
> due to how it builds stuff via triangles but the triangle count is well below 
> the recommended max of 2000.
> Help required:
> Any tips/tricks/recommendations or info on known problems that could help me 
> reduce the lag of everything and the CPU usage used by this project would 
> help as it is only aggravated by people having other projects open at the 
> same time causing every last thing to run slow.
> If more detailed information is required please don't hesitate to ask, I'll 
> provide what I can but obviously can only provide so much for security 
> reasons.
> Thanks in advance
> Ele
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le,  I'd suggest you
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