ps we're probably not the first ones discussing this old subject, has n1
found some good sources/references?
Most of the old CS textbooks sentence you to hell for using public variables
so let's not refer to those ;)

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Hans Wichman <

> Hey,
> I'm not against using public variables, but I dont like using get set as
> you did below *if *setting the data has sideeffects outside the area of
> validation.
> If you are setting a property and you want to test or verify it or
> whatever, I can imagine using set get.
> If you are setting a property and it causes state changes or whatever I
> like to use an explicit method. Yeah you can mouse over it, codeinspect it
> or whatever and see it's an implicit get/setter, but just looking at an
> interface I find it easer to have either public methods or properties and
> not something in between that lends itself to misuse (ie this set data WAS
> only validating, but damn now it needs to change state as well, ah heck,
> lets cram in there instead of ....)
> So for me it's usually either a public var or a method.
> And there's more behind it than good coders being forced to work with bad
> coders at least as far as the public variables are concerned, it has to do
> with the whole mumbo jumbo of the OO asking versus simply taking. An object
> giving access to its internals instead of an object grabbing access,
> although in a lot of cases it doesn't pay to make such an academic
> distinction.
> I liked the clear explanation Steven gave, although comparing it to
> masturbating sounds a bit like promoting it ;0)
> JC
> And a *big* +1 for this:
>> That being said, I don't abide by the retarded rule that you shouldn't
>>> have public vars in a class.
>> regards,
>> Muzak
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Sacks" <
>> To: "Flash Coders List" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 5:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] use get / set functions or make your own
>>  For clarity, they're referred to as implicit and explicit.
>>> get prop / set prop = implicit
>>> getProp() / setProp = explicit
>>> In AS2, it made a difference because implicits were available right away,
>>> whereas explicits were not available for 1 frame.  This limitation is not
>>> present in AS3.
>>> Basically, implicit implies properties of a class, whereas explicit
>>> implies methods of a class.
>>> I opt for implicit over explicit because this:
>>> foo.prop = value;
>>> makes more sense than
>>> foo.setProp(value);
>>> I leave methods for methods, not properties.
>>> That being said, I don't abide by the retarded rule that you shouldn't
>>> have public vars in a class.  People who do this
>>> private var _foo:Boolean;
>>> public function get foo():Boolean { return _foo; }
>>> public function set foo(value:Boolean):void { _foo = value; }
>>> are masturbating and I'm not impressed by their bloated ego...I mean
>>> code. ;)
>>> Unless something needs to happen immediately within the class when you
>>> set or get a prop (i.e. a state change), it's fine for it to be a public
>>> var.  It's faster, it's less bloat and most of us aren't writing large
>>> applications with a bunch of other developers.  Some of these rules were
>>> created for when good coders are forced to work with bad coders and the good
>>> ones need to protect their code from the bad ones.  When it's just you and a
>>> couple other devs, and you're all competent, you don't need all these checks
>>> and balances that are nothing more than compensation for people who you wish
>>> you didn't have to code with.  /rant   ;)
>>  _______________________________________________
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