To my knowledge all flash integration for multi-touch has been made possible by using flosc by ben chun, or with OpenCV and touchLib; however, what I am proposing is that it is possible directly through the use of the flash player and a simple cam rig. I think that it should be possible, and at least somewhat comparably fast, considering the player doesn't have to parse xml socket data on a continuous basis, and all image conversions are done by the player. I do concede that doing in c++ will most likely prove to be faster; however, I figure why not try it out.

Since I know c++ somewhat I figure I will probably look at their libraries if I get stuck; yet, in the meanwhile, this is a nifty experiment.

Here is the video that sparked it...

Colour tracking would be efficient in a system where you have multi coloured thimbles or reflective tape, which is what I was thinking of when I came up with this idea.

Ian Thomas wrote:
I was actually thinking of Mario's lecture at FoTB 2008 where he used
very similar algorithms to read square barcodes (whatever those things
are called) from a webcam. Not multitouch, but there's a lot of
similar code (spotting areas of colour, eliminating noise).

Worth a look, Anthony.

Funnily enough we were talking about exactly the same system for
multitouch here yesterday - spotting areas of colour. One of our
developers had seen some demo of a similar system on TV over the


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Glen Pike <> wrote:

  Mario Klingemann demo'd something like this at FlashOnTheBeach 2007 - have
a look at to see the "2D or not 2D lecture" - not sure if he
released any code though?


Anthony Pace wrote:
I have figured out how to make flash work as a multi-touch system... I am
coding it now...

it is so darn simple...
it just came to me after watching a video on how to make your own
multi-touch input device using a webcam a piece of white paper and a box to
block most of the light so the cam only sees light and dark.

Since it is all based on blobs, and processing the image through a filter
to break down the logic, and flash has access to web cams, I can just
convert the image to black and white, threshold the image to find the blobs,
average out a hit test area based on the finger positions, and all that
would come after is putting together the finger gesturing logic.

for instance if two blobs exist around their averaged points and have not
moved too much or at all, yet there is a third blob that is moving a
significant amount, perform a specific function based on its direction
(directional logic through tracking input fed into basic physics equations
and Pythagorean concepts)

If someone has beaten me to it, I would love to know; however, if you beat
me to it, after reading my post, tell me about it and show me your source so
my life is made easier.
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