Hi all.


I'm loading several .swf files into another .swf, to produce a horizontal
bar of clickable "icons".  The loaded .swf files animate, changing their
size, when they are clicked on.


I've written a script in the loading .swf that positions the loaded .swfs in
the scrollbar, but by the time it can access the height and width properties
of the loaded .swf files they have already visually rendered.  (I'm
currently using an Event.ENTER_FRAME to trigger the script that positions
the loaded .swf files.)  This is causing a juddering in the scrollbar as the
loaded swf files are rendering visually before the positioning script
accesses their height and width and then position them, turning it into a
two step process:  1) icon movie clip changes size and renders, 2) scrollbar
script repositions the icon movie clips


What I'd like to do is access the height and width of the loaded swf files
before they visually render so that I can get them into the correct
positions before the visual render occours.  Turn it into a one step
process:  icon movie clip changes size and then they are all repositioned by
the scrollbar script.


I've tried creating an Event.RENDER within the loaded .swf files to trigger
the script in the loading swf to position the icons, but the loaded swf
files never seem to fire a render event while it's animating.


I'm not even sure what I want to do is possible as the loaded swfs may not
have their new height/width before they have visually rendered.




Thank you. ^_^




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