Are you loading the video player into its own holder mc? If you do
that, then place that holder on the display list, then set

if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL) {
                                stage.displayState = 

it should go full screen without FS'ing the video.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Andrew Murphy <> wrote:
> Hello. :)
> Is there a way to have a full screen Flash (not a video) which has a video
> player in it, without having the video itself jump to full screen?
> What I'd like to do is have a Flash piece which goes full screen, then at
> some points in the user's interaction with it there may be a video player in
> this Flash piece.  The user would then have the option to view the video
> full screen within the already full screen Flash piece.
> Currently whenever I load a video player into a full screen non-video Flash
> the video jumps to full screen the moment it loads.
> --------------------------------
> Andrew Murphy
> Interactive Media Specialist
>  <>
> Delvinia
> 214 King Street West, Suite 214
> Toronto Canada M5H 3S6
> P 416.364.1455 ext. 232  F 416.364.9830  W
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