hi guys

I'm working on a carousel and i have a quick question about adding a
non-active area in the middle

at the moment, the carousel will move forward and backward based on the
mouse's position in relation to the center of the carousel but I'd like to
widen that by nDeadzoneRadius

here is the way that i'm doing it at the moment - it seems very clunky to me
but it's doing the job

this is on the onMouseMove listener

    private function adjustSpeed():Void
        var nMousePos:Number = _root._xmouse - nCenterX;

// !HACK! this is the bit i'm querying
        if (Math.abs(nMousePos) < nDeadzoneRadius) nMousePos = 0;
        else nMousePos = (nMousePos > 0) ? nMousePos - nDeadzoneRadius :
nMousePos + nDeadzoneRadius;
// end of !HACK!

        nSpeed = nMousePos / ((36 / _nNumberOfItems) * 1000); //4:800,
8:4000, 12:3000, 24:1500

so i guess my question is, is there a more elegant solution to this, please?

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