Hi guys

I'm having problems with a LoadVars object.

I need to POST some variables to an external script and pass the result to
an xml object so I'm using a LoadVars object with the LoadVars.sendAndLoad()
method to send out the information and to recieve the response.

The problem I'm having is that, when LoadVars constructs the POST variables,
it automatically escapes all of the punctuation and spaces. This is not
normally a problem (in fact, i'd say it was desired) but the 3rd party have
asked that I send them the variables unescaped.

this is my loadvars code (once the form has been verified):

            var _loadVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
            _loadVars.user = itfName.text;
            _loadVars.title = itfReviewTitle.text;
            _loadVars.reviewtext = itfReview.text;
            _loadVars.rating = _nRatingChosen;
            _loadVars.recommend = mcTickBox.isTicked;

            _xmlResult = new XML();
            _xmlResult.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, loadVarsOnLoad);

            _loadVars.sendAndLoad(_sSubmitUrl, _xmlResult, "POST");

the send POST string looks like this:


and I'd like it to look like this
recommend=false&rating=2&reviewtext=This is a test. Do not adjust your
set.&title=Flash Review Number &user=Allandt&submit=true&apiversion=2.1

is there any way i can turn off the urlencode for the variable or manually
create the string to send (without it encoding) or will i have to write a
javascript function to send the variables?

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