Have you looked at amfphp <http://www.amfphp.org/>or is that not an option?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Latcho <spamtha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to remoting.
> I want to be able to use remoting with weborb-php in AS3 pure sang, fairly
> compact , without mxml configuation and remaining as functional as possible.
> Setting a direct endpoint into the remotingObject amfchannel was quite
> impossibe due to it beign a getter only and only configurable trough mxmlc,
> So I had to set up a channel.
> I also had to hack the mx messaging config LoaderConfig's url , otherwise
> the flex mx.rpc's classes fail, if it remains a null value.
> (found this hack/tip here:
> http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/BLZ-16#action_171947 but figgured it can
> hold any value as long it's not null)
> So I did this
>  public dynamic class AMFService extends RemoteObject
>  {
>          ....
>             mx.messaging.config.LoaderConfig.mx_internal::_url = "notnull";
>       public function AMFService(.......)
>      (
>          _amfChannel = new AMFChannel(_destinationChannel,_serviceGateway);
>          _amfChannel.connectTimeout = _conectTimeOut;
>          _amfChannel.requestTimeout = _requestTimeout;
>                    var myChannelSet:ChannelSet = new ChannelSet();
>          myChannelSet.addChannel(_amfChannel);
> `        }
> furthermore this to solve some Typing errors and to get the of Messages
> wright wright
>      static private function registerClassAliases():void
>      {
>                    /* REGISTERCLASSALIAS()
>           * Preserves the class (type) of an object when the object is
> encoded in Action Message Format (AMF).
>           * When you encode an object into AMF, this function saves the
> alias for its class,
>           * so that you can recover the class when decoding the object.
>           * If the encoding context did not register an alias for an
> object's class,
>           * the object is encoded as an anonymous object.
>           * Similarly, if the decoding context does not have the same alias
> registered,
>           * an anonymous object is created for the decoded data.
>           * */
>           registerClassAlias("DSA", AsyncMessageExt);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage",
> AsyncMessage);                              registerClassAlias("DSA",
> AsyncMessageExt);
>          registerClassAlias("DSC", CommandMessageExt);
>  registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage",CommandMessage);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage",
> RemotingMessage);                               registerClassAlias("DSK",
> AcknowledgeMessageExt);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage",
> AcknowledgeMessage);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage",
> ErrorMessage);
>  registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.HTTPMessage",HTTPRequestMessage);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.SOAPMessage",
> SOAPMessage);
>  registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceInfo",
> MessagePerformanceInfo);
>                    registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ArrayList",
> ArrayList);
>  registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection",ArrayCollection);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy",ObjectProxy);
>          registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap", ConfigMap);
>      }
> Now my questions:
> Is this the best way to keep it tiny and pure AS3 without mxml
> Do I drop functionallity here if it comes to remoting (and not to the
> remote data processing) ?
> Can this be done in an oher AS3 way without hacking with the mx_internal
> trick ?
> FYI, the filesize of my remoting test is now 86Kb in release mode.
> Please help me out of uncertainty :)
> Tnx
> Latcho
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