Thank you. The position=0 seems to do the trick. I actually read over it in the documentation. RTFM should be RTFMW(ell) !! :)

> Little tips if you want to test, instead of using setPixels to "fill"
> your Bitmap, using graphics.beginBitmapFill seems quicker and less CPU
> intensive (test it, I'm not 100% sure).

I dont actually want to render the bitmap. I make a black and white images of a hand drawn sprite, that acts as a walkarea. Every room has a different area and so i cache the ByteArray for every room. This 'bumpmap' is used to check, with getPixel() if a clicked position is on the walkmap. If I would render it to a graphics I will loose the getPixel() method for checking. Also when i use the Loader.loadBytes.

Or am i wrong?


Romuald Quantin wrote:
Did you try
myByteArray.position = 0
before reading it ?

You can try to use a Loader.loadBytes to instantiate a Bitmap (it uses a loader but it takes no time).

Do you load the picture before storing the bytes?
If it is helping, I built a loader that is storing bytes for a cache system and use Loader.loadBytes to instantiate the Bitmap:

To be sure your ByteArray is compressed, you can:
bytes.position = 0;
var compressed:uint = bytes.readUnsignedByte();
if (compressed == 0x43) trace("ByteArray is compressed!")

Little tips if you want to test, instead of using setPixels to "fill" your Bitmap, using graphics.beginBitmapFill seems quicker and less CPU intensive (test it, I'm not 100% sure).


Jiri wrote:
I came across some very weird behaviour and I can't seem to find an explanation for it. I am trying to write a class that will store compressed ByteArrays that are retreive throught the bitmapData.getPixels. Here is some testing code, that I wrote for the testing if a decompressed ByteArray can be parsed back into an Bitmapdata object.

It all works well if the uncompress/compress block is in the code. When i comment that code out, I get this error:

Could someone tell me what is happening here?

Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
    at flash.display::BitmapData/setPixels()
    at GreyFilter_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

var destPoint:Point = new Point();
var source:Sprite = getChildByName('mcWalkArea') as Sprite;
var sourceRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, source.width, source.height);
var a:BitmapData = new BitmapData(sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height);

var storedMapData:ByteArray;

a.draw( source );
//create a black and white area.
a.threshold(a, sourceRect, destPoint , "!=", 0xFFFFFFFF , 0xFF000000 );
storedMapData = a.getPixels(sourceRect);

/* Try uncommenting this


var tData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(sourceRect.width , sourceRect.height)
tData.setPixels( sourceRect , storedMapData );

var i:int = 0
while(i < source.width){
        trace( tData.getPixel(i , 0 ) )


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