files at this link:


First you click the rotating star button 3 times. Then you have new assets
on the stage.

Reset button removes assets from the stage.

Once these assets are removed by the reset button
when you click the spinning star again
*you cannot re-create the assets again.*(assets are polygons and the

Here is the error I am getting :

RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
   at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChildAt()
   at AddATree2/onClear()

(I purposely set out of range because otherwise everything is removed
including the bg(background).

reset is at index 2 and  -at bottom of the screen
mcAdd is at index 1   -this is the rotating star button
1 bg is not index 0.  Not sure why this is.

Below is the code snippet that is the problem area:* Also: SEE ATTACHED
FILES to see the code for the star button in file.

files at this link:

 CS3 version
Any feedback about they way it was
coded is appreciated too.

Let me know if I can clarify anything. I really need some help on this.

thx, really appeciate your response.

Best, Flashon_LA.
     //when you click the reset button everything is removed from the stage
except the star and reset button

           private function onClear(event:MouseEvent)
//mcAdd.mouseChildrenEnabled = true;

// trace(getChildAt(0) == bg);

               // text filed and reset button var . add text field so you
can remove it below when the card is reset


               //this removes everything
               var count:int = numChildren;

               for(var i:int = 0; i<count; i++)
                   removeChildAt(3);   //set this out of index range on
purpose to force it to work.

                   //addChildAt(reset, 0);  removed components
               //var bg = new bg();
                   //addChildAt(bg, 0);

                   addChildAt(mcAdd, 2);
                   addChildAt(reset, 1);

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