And from what I can tell, doesn't work for HD videos, which is where this
*feature* would actually be useful.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Juan Pablo Califano" <>
To: "Flash Coders List" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Youtube Videos cache
Appartently, the news is that it works across youtube CDN, which would
likely serve the same video from different servers / url.
Yet, I think calling this "incredible" is a bit overstated... And FWIW, it
doesn't seem to work every time (I've just tried it on Chrome -- default
settings -- and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Juan Pablo Califano
2009/6/28 Leandro Ferreira <>
According to this site, Youtube can now cache his videos on the browser
"YouTube managed to achieve something incredible: browsers now cache
videos and you can load the same video multiple times from the local cache.
" (
I though that FLV files were normally cached by the browser, but apparently
Anyone got info about that?
Leandro Ferreira
Flashcoders mailing list