google addFrameScript()

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Isaac Alves <> wrote:

> I would lke to know if I can manage the content of multiple frames without
> having to create a script for each frame.
> project:
> This is part of a type of "powerpoint style" presentation in flash. another
> time I'll certainly try to do it by loading everything in the XML, and no
> frame Nav. then the listener should not only tween the textfields and
> movieclips, but also get the values of these objects by xml.
> a mouse click calls a function that fades out a textfield in a frame, go to
> another frame and fades in the textfield that is in that frame.
>  Code:
> function changeFrame(e):void
> {
>        if (_txt){
>                new GTween(_txt, 0.3 ,{alpha:0});
>        }
>        var timer:Timer = new Timer(300, 1);
>        timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function(){
>      , updateFrame);
>                gotoAndStop(;
>                                                                   });
>        timer.start();
> }
> function updateFrame(e:Event):void
> {
>        if (_txt){
>                _txt.alpha =0;
>                new GTween(_txt, fadeDuration ,{alpha:1});
>        }
>, updateFrame);
>        timer.reset();
> }
> problem:
> when it changes frame, the actual movieclip or textfield will be there with
> alpha 1. so it blinks, between the two alpha animations.
> conditions:
> the fade should function with many movieclips, some of which won't exist in
> every frame, that's why the verification ( if (!_txt)... ) But for the
> moment I'm doing it like this.
> I surely don't want to write scripts in every frame, so that's the reason I
> wrote the code like this.
> And anyway, I somehow feel that I shouldn't do it that way. What do you
> people think about it ?
> Thanks in advance !
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