>   I know this mail should go to the list owner, but I sent an email to them
> on 7th August and have not had a response, so any help would be appreciated.

Hi! I'm the list owner. Sorry not to respond earlier, but honestly
these sorts of things tend to get put on the back burner, if you know
what I mean. I check for issues about once a week, usually.

>   My emails from the flashcoders list are arriving in dribs and drabs on one
> of my subscribed accounts - upto a few days late.
>   I have spoken to my ISP about this, but am not getting much from them.  An
> example header from one "late" email is shown below.  It seems that most of
> the emails that I get from the list on my "glenpike" account are at least a
> day late.
>   Any insight into this would be helpful.

Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot I can do to help you. You need
to talk to whoever manages mail6.atlas.pipex.net. There are lots of
things that could cause delayed delivery, such as greylisting,
intermittent connectivity problems, etc.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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