I used this as a starting point when I was doing my FDT customization:
I don't know how applicable they are to FB, but there it is.
Also, a quick Googling yields this link:


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Jiri <jiriheitla...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I am forced to use eclipse, but i am used to work with a black background.
> I changed the syntax coloring in the eclipse preferences to match my
> preferences, but the symbols " . , " ect.. are all black and there is not an
> option provided to changes there color.
> If you look at the Java syntax coloring options they are much more refined.
> I am looking into the FlexBuilder app root directory now to see if i can
> find the xml file that is defining the colors, which i cannot find.
> Does anyone know how i can find it, what to look for or how to deal with
> the super annoying thing that should be provided in any decent
> editor....thank you Adobe !!
> Jiri
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