Maybe the lettercase of a property is causing an error.

myTF.wordwrap = true;  //Need to be "wordWrap"

-- Keith H --

Joel Stransky wrote:
I'm encountering an odd problem in as3/fp9-10 when dealing with embedded
fonts, condensed whitespace, style sheet objects and  <br /> tags. I wanted
to see if you guys have heard of it or can verify it as a bug.

I have a textfield set up as such. The intent is to remove all <p> tag
indents and get fully left justified text with paragraphs having larger
leading than individual lines :

var myTF:TextField = new TextField();
myTF.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myTF.embedFonts = true;
myTF.condenseWhite = true;
myTF.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
myTF.multiline = true;
myTF.wordwrap = true;
myTF.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;

The stylesheet is an imported .css file and below is the html imported from
an .xml file and protected by a CDATA tag:

<h2>About Us</h2><br />
<p class="normal"><strong>Lorem</strong> ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur</p><br />
<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</p><br />
<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</p><br />
<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.</p>

The result is fully left justified text but the <br /> tags are ignored.
Each paragraph does start on a new line but directly below the the previous.

I decided to try a version of the css clear break trick used in xhtml which
produced the results I wanted but for no discernible reason.

I created this style in the .css file,

.lineBreak {
  leading: 20;

and altered ONLY the first <br /> tag to this <p class="lineBreak" />
The weird thing is that not only did the first paragraph get the correct
amount of space, they all did. For some reason, an empty styled <p /> tag
caused the following <br /> tags to be recognized.


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