Well this may not stop the flv from playing and it's AS2 code, so there may be an equivilant in AS3, but try.


At the end of the "out" transition.



Sent from losPhone

On Sep 9, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Sam Brown <4sambr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello all,

I have an issue which will probably be a softball for you guys...

Basically I have a gallery-type nav; when you click on an item, an external
swf is loaded into a container_mc. The container_mc lives in the main
timeline and is simply used to tween the loaded swf in/out and around.

I'm accessing a close button that lives in the loaded swf via:

In this loaded swf is an instance of the flv playback component.  The
close_btn to unloads the swf fine, but the audio keeps playing. I need
flv_playback.stop() but I'm confused how to access it.

I can't use event.target.content.flv.stop() b/c the event is a level deeper
than the event.target.content.close_btn.addEventListener used above.

So - how do I make that flv shut-up when I unload it off the stage?

Thank you very much. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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