Hi list,
I have a .fla with symbols in the library and a docClass.as going with it.
When I publish, I get the following waring message:
"WARNING: Actions on button or MovieClip instances are not supported in ActionScript 3.0. All scripts on object instances will be ignored."

But I can't find any. Not with Edit -> Find and Replace. And also the tree in the actions panel contains just 1 frame with one empty line (I'm absolutely sure, also no invisible characters).
What can I do to get rid of the annoying warning?
Willem van den Goorbergh

On 17-sep-2009, at 13:32, Glen Pike wrote:

F9 brings up the Actionscript editor for an open FLA file.

You can "toggle" the toolbox screen (left of 2 column view) by clicking the rightmost icon in the icon bar of the Actions tab.


Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
If you need a screen shot I can send you one off list.



On Sep 17, 2009, at 6:14 AM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

You  can.
Try using "find and replace", just make sure your not selecting anything. No frames, no MCs. Click off stage once just to make sure before you use "find and replace". It should search everything.

You can also find actions for everything in your FLA by looking at the window on the left of your actionscript pane (where you type your AS). There are usually two windows just to the left. One on top with pre-written stuff and then a tree of all the frames and symbols that have AS on them. If you select one it will take you to that spot in your AS pane so you can edit it. the AS you select will move to the top of the tree and be called "Current Selection".

EG:  (a frame icon) Layer 1 : Frame 1

you may have to open these two windows up. they are not by default opened up (I think) but if you do, just look at the left edge of your AS pane. on the edge in the middle of it, there will be a small box with a triangle in it. click it and you'll see what I mean, then look at the bottom of that windows edge for another box with a triangle pointing up. this is the window you want.



On Sep 17, 2009, at 5:53 AM, Arka Roy wrote:

I have FLA files from a client with numerous MovieClips and buttons
containing ActionScript all over the place. I am not used to this, I only started using Flash with AS3 and have always used a Document Class and
placed my ActionScript in external .as files.
I am trying to search through the ActionScript to find some text. Is their any way (tool etc.) to search through all ActionScript in a FLA? Why doesn't Adobe put in such a search function, it sounds so basic to me. Or
am I not understanding something about Flash usage?

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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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