I like the sound of that. It certainly seems like something someone should
look into. I'm not great with checking speed in code, but I want to try to
look into that.

I'm interested in what types of applications would benefit from it. Can you
share anything about yours?

Ktu [k-two]

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:39 AM, Anthony Pace <anthony.p...@utoronto.ca>wrote:

> -Now, if the user sets the local storage amount to unlimited, it is
> possible to save and modify heaps of data; yet, at what cost speed wise?
> -Is there a max size to a shared object, even if the user selects
> unlimited?
> -Is there something wrong with my idea, other than having to ask the user
> to set the storage capacity to unlimited?
> -Has anyone clocked speed of read and write access when files get extremely
> large?
> -Has anyone come up with a better solution when the app has to run in the
> browser?
> I worked with shared objects a while back; however, I never really needed
> to use them to store much more than cookie data.  I am thinking about asking
> the user to set the local storage to unlimited, in an attempt to decrease
> the amount of memory that is required by an application, especially when it
> gets to the 40mb or more of dynamically generated content and the user has
> limited memory on their system.  The user needs to be able to load multiple
> files to be modified, and the modifications could be rather intense and have
> very large file sizes; yet, not all files and resultant data will be
> required for modification at the same time, and I was hoping that storage on
> the system as a shared object, would be able to act as a scratch file.
> I know this isn't new, but I was also thinking that if the file is used
> properly, and storage is set to unlimited, one could make an application
> with most of the interface elements stored in the shared object; therefore,
> even if the user clears their cache, the swf can check the shared object to
> see when it was last updated and reuse what's stored if nothing has changed.
>  (reducing bandwidth and download time requirements)...  Is this a pipe
> dream?
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