Hi Steven,

in this particular case I do find it odd or rather surprising, since it's a
bit unclear when the localconnection triggers the code in the other movie.
If A sends to B and B sends to A and it happens all within the timespace of
a single frame, I would expect the time taken to be equal no matter the
framerate. If it happens within the time space of multiple frames, I would
expect the time taken to be closer to the time between each frame.

Ofcourse when it's all running in a single movie it's
-codeexecution-draw-codeexecution-draw-etc so then it's pretty obvious how
it works.

It's just funny in this case "my localconnection is too slow", "oh well
increase the framerate".

I'll have to test though if it's simply the roundtrip that's taker longer or
if a single call from A to B is influenced by the framerate as well.


On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Steven Sacks <flash...@stevensacks.net>wrote:

> Framerate directly affects Flash's code execution response time.  Is there
> a reason why you would find this odd or surprising?
> Hans Wichman wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I've set up a test in AS2 with a 2 channel localconnection, swf A sends a
>> msg to swf B, and B sends back an acknowledge signal.
>> If I set the movies framerate to 1 fps, this takes about 50ms for a simple
>> msg to get an ack signal, if I set the framerate to 30 it takes about 5ms.
>> Erm... my naive conclusion would be that the localconnection's execution
>> speed is connected to the framerate of the running movies, can anyone
>> confirm that?
>> I'm writing code that runs within a legacy shell that uses setVariable on
>> the swf which is no longer supported so now I'm trying to work around that
>> issue using an as2 swf within an as3 swf which passes on the signals using
>> localconnection :-S....
>> regards,
>> JC
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