   wmode=transparent is notoriously bugged, particularly on Firefox.
Adobe themselves advise against using it.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Joe Minkiewicz <> wrote:
> I run into this issue a lot (I may have even posted here before asking for
> help about it).
> Has anyone run into an issue with swfs randomly not loading correctly in
> FireFox on PC? I have one regular client and once in awhile they say the
> swfs don't load—it's always FF on PC, Mac and other browsers work fine. I've
> never been able to figure it out. It's not 100% reproducible and on my PC
> virtual machine everything's fine. The best I can come up with is to turn
> off wmode=transparent but sometimes they need that and I'm not sure it's a
> real fix.
> I'm wondering if it's something to do with how I code the swfs? Maybe
> something to do with the preloader code? But it could also be something with
> their computers since they're the ones that see it. Any ideas? I've tried
> google but everything I find is old (FF2) or the fixes don't apply to my
> situation.
> Thanks,
> Joe
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