Continuing... I tested my two links with Mac version of FF. Both work
fine - no stripping <embed>, so the issue is probably only PC IE/FF
related (assuming it is not my PC and only my PC).


Monday, November 23, 2009 (8:59:58 PM) Greg Ligierko wrote:

> Thanks,
> Yes I am aware of the swfObject.

> We are working on an Flash application that can be embedded from
> external hosts, by any user, and we do not like to force users to
> store additional JS, like swfObject at their hosts. Instead we prefer
> to relay on the official nested <object><embed> thing. I am aware of
> weakness of this solution, but this is still not the point of my mail.

> I just discovered that on my PC (both FF and IE) any page that uses
> <object><embed src=".......&nodemapid=....."/></object> ends up with
> stripped off <embed> tag.

> Of course I can  change the variable nodemapid name to something else.
> But I just would like to inspect if it is really possible, that a
> variable "nodemapid" can cause different behavior (i.e. stripping out
> <embed> under some browsers) than any other variable name.

> The small HTMLs I linked in my first mail are not meant to embed
> anything real, but just to test the "nodemapid" variable, which is
> driving me crazy. And possibly this is only my local computer
> behavior. I did not found anything related on google. In fact
> "nodemapid" gives less than 300 results ;)

> Greg

> Monday, November 23, 2009 (8:44:57 PM) Nathan Mynarcik wrote:

>> Hopefully I am understanding what you are trying to do. Have you
>> thought of using swfobject for your flash files? I think this would
>> be the best way to handle what you are trying to do. You can then
>> add your "nomapid" to the parameters of your flash movie and should work 
>> with all browsers.


>> ------Original Message------
>> From: Greg Ligierko
>> Sender:
>> To: Flash Coders List
>> ReplyTo: Flashcoders
>> ReplyTo: Flash Coders List
>> Subject: [Flashcoders] A variable "nodemapid=" makes <embed> gone (IE and FF)
>> Sent: Nov 23, 2009 1:29 PM

>> I have a strange issue with a http variable in <embed> tag and I would
>> appreciate much if you test two links with short HTML code.

>> I prepared two ultra-thin HTMLs.

>> its source code is:
>> <object><embed src="nodemapid="/></object>

>> its source code is:
>> <object><embed src="nodemapidq="/></object>  (note the "q" character)

>> Now... for embed8.htm, IE7 and FF(3.5.5) show source ("view page source"):
>> <object><!--                  --></object>   (removed <embed>)

>> While for embed9.htm, both browsers show the expected source:
>> <object><embed src="nodemapidq="/></object>

>> Safari shows full code for both files.

>> Can you see this too ? Or perhaps this is some local issue of my PC ?

>> Thanks,

>> Greg

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>> Nathan Mynarcik
>> Interactive Web Developer
>> 254.749.2525

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