Hello again, All-
        I've got a project (the same one) in which I have a horizontal, 
draggable container populated with MC's by an XML file.


        There are actually two, one horizontal that when it snaps to a resting 
point then populates a vertical MC that operates the same way.

It snaps to a category or tax pro and is halted at the extremes so you can't 
scroll beyond the bounds of the MC width.

What the client has requested is an 'infinite' draggable/scrollable loop where 
they could drag in one direction indefinitely and the information would just 

I've had a buggar of a time getting both drag functions to play nice with each 
other, so I'm not thinking clearly on how to achieve this functionality.

Does anyone know of a tutorial or have some pointers they can offer on building 
a dynamic, draggable MC with the functionality I'm trying to describe?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. If you could email me directly at 
s.ki...@steveklein.cc I would be even more thankful.

Steve Klein

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