On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Gregory Boudreaux <gjboudre...@fedex.com>wrote:

> What is setting "e" in your code?

I have no idea. This is what was suggested to me on this list once upon a
time. I presume that's the problem. The idea was to make the mc run when the
code entered a certain frame, as you can see by the commented-out line and
the trace:

  public function myLeftHand(e:Event=null):void
    if (e.target.currentFrame == 10) { trace("yes") };
    var mcHandInstance2A:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2A.x = 800;
    mcHandInstance2A.y = 200;
//    if (e.target.currentFrame == 40) TweenMax.to(mcHandInstance2, 2,
{x:200, startAt:{totalProgress:1}}).reverse();

What should it be? How do I tie it in to the rest of the code?
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