beno - wrote:
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Henrik Andersson <>wrote:

beno - wrote:

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Matt S.<>  wrote:

Best. Troll. Evar.

Huh? Could you translate that into English?

You are new to the Internet aren't you?

Yes. Started in 1995. Still new.

Troll (subst):
Someone who trolls.

Troll (verb):
To post in order to cause drama. Typical troll posts include controversial
topics, things that everyone have agreed to be incorrect and so on.

As you can see, the original post was accused of being trolling. I do not
think that it was that at all and that the accusation was invalid.

Obviously. Thanks. Dead-serious question. I will obviously need some kind of
feedback hardware device that tells Flash where I am physically on stage so
that it could triangulate my position and adjust itself accordingly. But is
it even possible?
I know nothing about this stuff, but a camera could be used with motion tracking to get your approximate position. It would be potentially difficult to isolate your movement from a moving background.

I don't think it would be easy and you don't even consider how you would project your images behind.

Really speaking, if you have a good voice, you don't need such a gimmick. Are they supposed to wonder how the graphics are done or hear your voice?

There are swf files that move things around on screen
depending on where the mouse is. The concept is similar: I would be the
mouse! I presume, therefore, that I could create such a mouse instance of
myself, couldn't I?

What's evar?
"evar" = misspelt "ever"
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