On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Nathan Mynarcik <nat...@mynarcik.com>wrote:

> Have you tried tracing to see if that function you added is firing?

Thank you. I added one at the top of that function and it didn't fire. So
that tells us the problem must be in calling the function:

picLoader.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame3);

The only things I changed here when I copied and pasted this function call
were changing from checkFrame to checkFrame3, and editing the variable
calling the function; namely picLoader. Therefore I presume it must be the
latter that is causing the problem. Why? After all, I but replaced an
addEventListener (which I then put in checkFrame3):

picLoader.addEventListener(PictureLoader.ALL_PICS_LOADED, createParticles);

Please advise.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> [mailto:flashcoders-boun...@chattyfig.figleaf.com] On Behalf Of beno -
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 10:57 AM
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: [Flashcoders] AddEventListener
> Hi;
> I have the following line of code in the init:
> picLoader.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame3);
> and this code further on:
>      public function checkFrame3(e:Event):void
>      {
>         if (e.target.currentFrame == 10)
>         {
>            e.target.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
> picLoader.addEventListener(PictureLoader.ALL_PICS_LOADED, createParticles);
> picLoader.loadPics(picURLString);
>         }
>      }
> I copied a bunch of code from flashandmath.com. The above is my own
> addition. It doesn't do anything. What I'd like it to do is, when the movie
> enters frame 10, activate the code I copied from flashandmath. If I pull
> out
> and replace my above-quoted line of code in the init with the same,
> everything works. But I'd like to delay this action for so many frames.
> Please advise. All code follows.
> TIA,
> beno
> package
> {
>   import flash.text.TextField;
>   import flash.text.TextFormat;
>   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
>   import flash.utils.getTimer;
>   import com.dangries.loaders.*;
>   import com.dangries.bitmapUtilities.PictureAtomizer;
>   import com.dangries.objects.Particle3D;
>   import com.dangries.geom3D.*;
>   import com.dangries.display.*;
>   import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
>   import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
>   import flash.geom.Rectangle;
>   import flash.geom.Point;
>   import flash.events.Event;
>   import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
>   import flash.events.Event;
>   import flash.events.MouseEvent;
>   import flash.display.MovieClip;
>   import com.greensock.*;
>   import com.greensock.easing.*;
>   public class Main extends MovieClip
>   {
>      //Import Library Assests
> public var picURLString:Array;
> public var picLoader:PictureLoader;
> public var pic:Array;
> public var atomizer:PictureAtomizer;
> public var particles:Array;
> public var blur:BlurFilter;
> public var darken:ColorTransform;
> public var board:RotatingParticleBoard;
> public var boardRect:Rectangle;
> public var filterPoint:Point;
> public var p:Particle3D;
> public var param:Number;
> public var head:HatAndFace;
> public var leftEye:Eyeball;
> public var rightEye:Eyeball;
> public var leftHand:Hand;
> public var rightHand:Hand;
> public var myPic:picture;
>                public var myThumb:CloseThumb;
>      public function Main()
>      {
>         init();
>      }
>      public function init():void
>      {
> hatAndFace();
> eyeball1();
> eyeball2();
> myRightHand();
> myLeftHand();
> thePic();
>                        theThumb();
> picURLString= ["beno.jpg"];
> picLoader = new PictureLoader();
> board = new RotatingParticleBoard(420,340,true, 0x00000000, 160);
> board.setDepthDarken(-10,-80, 1.5);
> board.makeFrame(2,0x444444,1);
> board.holder.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - board.width/2;
> board.holder.y = stage.stageHeight/2 - board.height/2;
> //set the initial rotation:
> board.currentQ = new Quaternion(Math.cos(Math.PI/12),
> Math.sin(Math.PI/12)/Math.sqrt(2),0,-Math.sin(Math.PI/12)/Math.sqrt(2));
> //set the automatic rotation to use while mouse is not dragging:
> board.autoQuaternion = new
> Quaternion(Math.cos(Math.PI/300),0,Math.sin(Math.PI/300),0);
> blur = new BlurFilter(3,3);
> darken = new ColorTransform(1,1,1,0.8);
> boardRect = new Rectangle(0,0,board.width,board.height);
> filterPoint = new Point(0,0);
>  //add following code to see arcball silhouette:
> /*
> var ballOutline:Shape = new Shape();
> ballOutline.graphics.lineStyle(1,0x888888);
> ballOutline.graphics.drawCircle(0,0,board.arcballRad);
> ballOutline.x = board.width/2;
> ballOutline.y = board.height/2;
> board.holder.addChild(ballOutline);
> */
> picLoader.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame3);
>      }
> //Place Head and Hat on stage and fade in
> public function hatAndFace():void
> {
> head = new HatAndFace();
> head.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
> head.y = stage.stageHeight/4;
> head.alpha = 0;
> addChild(head);
> TweenLite.to(head, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
> }
>  //Place left eye on stage and fade in
> public function eyeball1():void
> {
> leftEye = new Eyeball();
> leftEye.x = head.x - 30;
> leftEye.y = head.y + 15;
> leftEye.alpha = 0;
> addChild(leftEye);
> TweenLite.to(leftEye, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
> }
>  //Place right eye on stage and fade in
> public function eyeball2():void
> {
> rightEye = new Eyeball();
> rightEye.x = head.x + 30;
> rightEye.y = head.y + 15;
> rightEye.alpha = 0;
> addChild(rightEye);
> TweenLite.to(rightEye, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
> }
> //Place right hand on stage and fade in
> public function myRightHand():void
> {
> rightHand = new Hand();
> rightHand.x = head.x + 480;
> rightHand.y = head.y + 50;
> addChild(rightHand);
> rightHand.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
>  }
>      //Place left hand on stage and fade in
>      public function myLeftHand():void
>      {
>         leftHand = new Hand();
>         leftHand.x = head.x - 30;
>         leftHand.y = head.y + 50;
>         addChild(leftHand);
> //         leftHand.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
> //         TweenMax.fromTo(leftHand, leftHand.totalFrames - 1,
> {frame:leftHand.totalFrames}, {frame:1});
>         TweenMax.fromTo(leftHand, leftHand.totalFrames - 1,
> {frame:leftHand.totalFrames}, {frame:1});
>         }
> public function thePic():void
> {
> myPic = new picture();
> myPic.x = 300;
> myPic.y = 350;
> addChild(myPic);
> myPic.alpha = 0;
> TweenLite.to(myPic, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
> TweenMax.to(myPic, 1, {shortRotation:{rotation:60}, x:480});
> }
>                public function theThumb():void
>                {
>                        myThumb = new CloseThumb();
>                        myThumb.x = 300;
>                        myThumb.y = 350;
>                        addChild(myThumb);
> myThumb.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame2);
>                }
> function createParticles(evt:Event):void {
> pic = picLoader.picArray;
> picLoader.removeEventListener(PictureLoader.ALL_PICS_LOADED,
> createParticles);
> atomizer = new PictureAtomizer();
> atomizer.sampling = 1;
> atomizer.spread = 1.33;
> atomizer.sampleFuzzX = 0;
> atomizer.sampleFuzzY = 0;
> atomizer.originX = Math.floor(pic[0].width/2);
> atomizer.originY = Math.floor(pic[0].height/2);
> atomizer.addEventListener(PictureAtomizer.PARTICLES_CREATED, go);
> atomizer.createParticles(pic[0]);
> }
> function go(evt:Event):void {
> particles = atomizer.particleArray;
> atomizer.setPositionsByPic(0,0,0);
> stage.addChild(board.holder);
> stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
> }
> function onEnter(evt:Event):void {
>  //Viewpoint-independent changes to particle positions:
> //Here we present an example of each particle oscillating
> //in the z direction, with amplitude related to the luminance
> //of the particle.
> param =
> 0.65*Math.min(1.75,Math.max(0,(1-Math.cos(getTimer()*.0003)-0.25*Math.cos(ge
> tTimer()*.0006))));
> for (var i:Number = 0; i<= particles.length - 1; i++) {
> p = particles[i];
> p.z = param*(p.lum-128);
> }
>  //apply Filters to effect fade-out of old pixels
> board.bitmapData.applyFilter(board.bitmapData, boardRect, filterPoint,
> blur);
> board.bitmapData.colorTransform(boardRect,darken);
> //draw particles
> board.drawParticles(particles);
> }
>      //check the hands and stop when they reach the 40 frame
>      public function checkFrame(e:Event):void
>      {
>         if (e.target.currentFrame == 20)
>         {
>            e.target.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
> //            leftHand.gotoAndStop(leftHand.totalFrames);
> //            TweenMax.to(leftHand, leftHand.totalFrames-1, {frame:1,
> useFrames:true, ease:Linear.easeNone});
>            rightHand.gotoAndStop(rightHand.totalFrames);
>            TweenMax.to(rightHand, rightHand.totalFrames-1, {frame:1,
> useFrames:true, ease:Linear.easeNone});
>         }
>      }
>      public function checkFrame2(e:Event):void
>      {
>         if (e.target.currentFrame == 10)
>         {
>            e.target.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
>            myThumb.gotoAndStop(myThumb.totalFrames);
>         }
>      }
>      public function checkFrame3(e:Event):void
>      {
>         if (e.target.currentFrame == 10)
>         {
>            e.target.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
> picLoader.addEventListener(PictureLoader.ALL_PICS_LOADED, createParticles);
> picLoader.loadPics(picURLString);
>         }
>      }
>   }
> }
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